Japanese Hall Interpretive Centre Experience Design

Experience Design | Spatial Design | Story Telling


Designed while at Railyard Lab (Dossier Creative Inc)

Team: Venus Lau Elena Hsu Mica Pfeffer Jonathan Reade

A heritage building established in 1906, The Vancouver Japanese Hall and Language School is a non-profit organization that strives to enrich the understanding of the Japanese-Canadian history among students by facilitating cultural exchange with BC schools, neighborhood and international groups. The objective of this project is to envision an interpretive experience in the Japanese Hall and Language School that not only elevates the prominent themes of the Japanese-Canadian story (such as resilience, sense of home/self etc) but also takes into consideration of the BC School Curriculum and the existing culture of DTES community.

The final deliverable was a comprehensive deck that outlines a framework for inspiring and evaluating future creative concepts and a collection of ideas of how the story and the spirit of Japanese Canadian can be told and expressed in visual means.